Pili Water District (PIWAD) was formed pursuant to Presidential Decree (P.D.) 198, also known as the Provincial Water Utilities Act of 1973 (as amended by P.D. Nos. 768 and 1479, R.A. 9286).
Under Section 5, Chapter 2 of PD 198, local water districts may be formed for the following purposes;
- acquiring, installing, improving, maintaining and operating water supply and distribution systems for domestic, industrial, municipal and agricultural uses for residents and lands within the boundaries of such districts,
- providing, maintaining and operating waste water collection, treatment and disposal facilities, and;
- (c) conducting such other functions and operations incidental to water resource development, utilization and disposal within such districts, as are necessary or incidental to said purpose.
Powers of Local Water District:
Authorization. – The district may exercise all the powers which are expressly granted by this Title or which are necessarily implied from, or incidental to the powers and purposes herein stated. For the purpose of carrying out the objectives of this Act, a district is hereby granted the power of eminent domain, the exercise thereof shall, however, be subject to review by the Administration. (Sec. 25, PD198)
Acquisition of Waterworks
A district may purchase, construct, or otherwise acquire works, water, water rights, land, rights and privileges useful or necessary to convey, supply, store, collect, treat, dispose of or make other use of water for any purpose authorized by this Title. In the acquisition of water or water rights the district shall cooperate with existing agencies of the government of the Philippines. (Sec. 26, PD198)
Sale of Water
The district shall have the power to sell water, pursuant to generally applicable rules and regulations, to any person for use within the district. As a condition of such sale, the district may require the filing of a written application for service, payment of established charges or deposits and execution of a water service contract. A district may provide service to public faucets or hydrants provided that it shall first have executed an application and service contract with the Government entity to establish or maintain such faucets or hydrants within the district. The district will be paid for such service in the same manner as regular domestic service and pursuant to the adopted rules and regulations of the district. Any district holding a valid Certificate of Conformance or a Conditional Certificate of Conformance from the Administration shall be exempt from regulation by the Public Service Commission or its successor.(Sec. 27, PD198)
A district may require, construct, operate and furnish facilities and services, within or without the district, for the collection, treatment and disposal of sewerage, waste, and storm water. The district may only furnish such services outside the district by means of facilities designed primarily to serve inside the district. Upon providing a sewer system in any area of the district, the district may require all buildings used by human beings to be connected to the sewer system within such reasonable time as may be prescribed by the district, provided that the property upon which such building to be connected stands is located within 35 meters of an existing main of the district’s sewer system. After due notice thereof and refusal on the part of the property owner to so connect with the district’s sewer system, the district may declare the further maintenance or use of cesspools, septic tanks, or other local means of sewerage disposal in such area to be a public nuisance and, after notice in writing of at least 10 days, deprive said property owner of any and all services provided by the district, which sanction may be co-extensive with the period during which the property owner persists in refusing to connect with the district’s sewer system. (Sec. 28, PD198)
Rights of Way
The right of way is hereby granted to locate, construct and maintain works of the district on any land which is now, or hereafter may be, owned by the Government of the Philippines or by any of its political subdivisions, and/or instrumentalities. A district may construct any works along, under or across any street, watercourse, railway, or conduit in any manner which will afford security for life and property: Provided, That in planning any such works, the environmental aspects shall also be considered. (Sec. 29, PD198)
A district shall have the power to enter into contracts with any person for the purpose of performing any functions of the district: Provided, That the Board of Directors may not by contract delegate any of the discretionary powers vested in the board by this Title. Specifically, but without limiting said general power, a district may enter into the following contracts:
- Cooperation. – Agreement with the Government of the Philippines or any of its agencies or political subdivisions for the cooperative or joint performance of any function of the district.
- In-Lieu Share. – As an incident to the acquisition of the existing water system of a city, municipality, or province, a district may enter into a contract to pay in-lieu share for such utility plant, an annual amount not exceeding three percent (3%) of the district’s gross receipts from water sales in any year: Provided, however, That no contract of this nature shall be executed during the first five years of the existence of the district; and Provided, further, That the Board of Directors shall determine that such contract will not adversely affect or impair the fiscal position and operations of the district as verified by the Administration. (Sec. 30, PD198)
Protection of Waters and Facilities of District
A district shall have the right to:
- Commence, maintain, intervene in, defend and compromise actions or proceedings to prevent interference with or deterioration of water quality or the natural flow of any surface, stream or ground water supply which may be used or useful for any purpose of the district or be a common benefit to the lands or its inhabitants. The ground water within a district is necessary to the performance of the district’s powers and such district is hereby authorized to adopt rules and regulations subject to the approval of the National Water Resources Council governing the drilling, maintenance and operation of wells within its boundaries for purposes other than a single family domestic use on overlying land. Any well operated in violation of such regulations shall be deemed in interference with the waters of the district.
- Require a developer or builder of any structure within the service areas of the district to extend or connect its pipeline facilities to the district facilities whenever such development or structure is within one hundred meters of existing district facilities or whenever the district is willing to extend its facilities within one hundred meters of said development or structure. For the purpose of this section, development shall include the subdivision of land for any purpose other than agricultural purpose, and structure shall mean any building or facility to be used for residential, commercial or industrial purposes.
- Prohibit any person, firm or corporation from vending, selling, or otherwise disposing of water for public purposes within the service area of the district where district facilities are available to provide such service, or fix terms and conditions by permit for such sale or disposition of water.
- Safeguard and protect the use of its waters. For this purpose, any person who installs any water connection without the previous authority from the water district established under this Decree; tampers water meters or uses jumpers or other devices whereby water is stolen; steals or pilfers water or water meters; knowingly possesses stolen or pilfered water or water meters shall, upon conviction, be punished by prision correccional in its minimum period or a fine ranging from two thousand pesos to six thousand pesos, or both. If the violation is committed with the connivance or permission of an employee or officer of the water district, an employee or officer shall, upon conviction, be punished by a penalty one degree lower than prision correccional in its minimum period and forthwith be dismissed and perpetually disqualified from employment in any utility or service company owned or controlled by the government.
- Take over the management, administration, operation and maintenance of all watersheds within its territorial boundaries. (Sec. 31, PD198)
Fire Protection Capacity
The district may install and maintain pipeline capacity and additional hydrants for fire protection purposes: Provided, That prior agreement has been executed with the public entity having principal fire protection responsibility within the district whereby the district will be reimbursed over the reasonable life of said facilities for the cost of installation and operation of such fire protection capacity and facilities. (Sec. 32, PD198)