By: Engr. Czerny Joshua Llagas

Clustering of water meters is now the new standard of Pili Water District every time a rehabilitation and extension of distribution lines are implemented.

Clustering is the process of grouping water meters. This technique can be used for various purposes, such as detecting leaks, improving resource management, and optimizing maintenance schedules.

Clustering benefits both utility companies and consumers. On the concessionaires’ side, it reduces the installation cost of service connection lines. The pressure on their after-meter service lines was not disrupted, for their before-water meter service lines were minimized, reducing leaks and bursts, which are beneficial to the district and the district’s meter readers can obtain the readings of the water meters at ease. This is also important for the on-going development of the district-metered area (DMA) of PIWAD. A sudden increase in water consumption in an area with low-use residential meters can trigger a leak investigation, which can be promptly addressed to minimize water loss in that area. To sum it all up, the practice of clustering water meters is an important breakthrough when it comes to water utilities’ operations. The district can boost customer satisfaction, increase efficiency, and support sustainable water management practices by utilizing data-driven insights.